Su di Me…

Salve a tutti!

In rete mi conoscono(?) come Silver Lou, detta anche Silver, detta anche Lou, detta anche Acchan, ma il mio vero nome è Anna. Piacere!

Vivo a Milano (Italia)

Il mio compleanno è l’ 11 Luglio.

Al momento non sono che una studentessa che aiuta i genitori in negozio. Sto provando per la prima volta a tradurre qualcosa che sia più grande di una semplice immagine: il BL Game “Lucky Dog 1”, a cui ho dedicato un Forum ed il Blog su cui vi trovate ora. (Beh, in effetti è moolto più grande!)

Le mie passioni? Preparatevi, è un bell’ elenco:

_Mi piacciono gli Anime ed i Manga, del genere Shonen, Seinen, Shonen-Ai e Yaoi. E ogni tanto qualche Shoujo/Shoujo-Ai. Ma pochi. I miei preferiti sono: Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Silver Spoon, Trigun, Kuroshitsuji, Soul Eater, Death Note, Bleach, Inuyasha, Hero Tales, Meitantei Conan, GTO, Host Club, Nana, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Le Situazioni di Lui & Lei, Baroque, Lucky Dog 1 Blast, Junjou Romantica, Gravitation, Mi Vergogno da Morire. (O almeno sono quelli che mi vengono in mente, probabilmente ne sto dimenticando qualcuno…)

_Adoro i videogiochi. Se dovessi elencare i miei preferiti… Beh direi che sono un bel po’. Troppi xD Ma quelli che letteralmente venero sono: Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Zelda,  Phoenix Wright, Lucky Dog , Solatorobo, Professor Layton, Maestro! Jump in Music, Rhythm’n paradise, Ghost Trick, Resistance, Sonic, Drawn to life.

_Adoro leggere. Fra i libri che preferisco ci sono: Fairy Oak, Harry Potter, L change the worLd, Lo Hobbit, Il Signore degli Anelli, la trilogia di Cuore d’ Inchiostro, I Regni di Nashira, Artemis Fowl, Darren Shan, La compagnia dei Celestini, Bar Sport, Novecento, Il Sentiero dei Nidi di Ragno, Il Visconte Dimezzato, Lo Strano Caso del Dr. Jekill e Mr. Hyde, Il Richiamo della Foresta. E sono solo alcuni…

_Sono totalmente dipendente dalla musica, tanto da dover dormire con le cuffie, a volte. Non elencherò le mie canzoni preferite, perché verrebbe fuori un elenco di tre pagine. Piuttosto, gli artisti di cui ascolto più musica sono: 30 Seconds to Mars, Avril Lavigne, The Cure, Gorillaz, Guns’ n Roses, Ligabue, Linkin Park, Metallica, Motorhead, Muse, Nightwish, Pink, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Kaggra, Kenji Ootsuki, L’ Arc~en~Ciel, Nightmare, Oldcodex, Perfume, Poruno Gurafiti, SID, Yellow Generation, YUI, Vocaloid & Utaite (specialmente Glutamine/ぐるたみん). Ho anche alcune canzoni tra le mie preferite che sono di: Nobodyknows+, Junko Takeuchi, Mamoru Miyano, Yusa Kouji, Noriaki Sugiyama, Romi Paku, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Nana Mizuki. (Tutti doppiatori/cantanti eccetto i Nobody+). Suono (?) anche il pianoforte e l’ oboe.

_Seppure non sia brava, mi piace anche scrivere e disegnare (ehm..). Ho cominciato anche 3 o 4 fanfiction SasuNaru che non ho mai finito (anche se almeno due in particolare conto di portarle a compimento). Ma soprattutto, adoro tradurre (e almeno questo lo so fare! xD).

Penso di avervi annoiati abbastanza, perciò ora vi lascio in pace. xD See ya!

Silver Lou


In English please?! – This is the “About me” for the non-italians followers 😉

Hello everyone!

On the web, they know me like Silver Lou, called also Silver, called also Lou, called also Acchan, but my real name’ s Anna. Nice to meet ya!

I live in Milano, Italy.

My b-day is 11th July.

At the moment, I’ only a student who helps her parents with their activity. I’ m trying to translate for the first time a thing which is more binding than a simple picture: the BL Game “Lucky Dog 1”, which is why I’ ve created this blog.

My hobbies? Prepare yourself, it’ a long list:

_I like read Manga and watch Anime, the kind of  Shonen, Seinen, Shonen-Ai and Yaoi. Sometimes I also watch/read Shoujo/Shoujo-Ai. But it’s rare.
My favourites are: Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Silver Spoon, Trigun, Kuroshitsuji, Soul Eater, Death Note, Bleach, Inuyasha, Hero Tales, Meitantei Conan, GTO, Host Club, Nana, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, KareKano, Baroque, Lucky Dog 1 Blast, Junjou Romantica, Gravitation. (Or, at least, now I can remember these)

_I love videogames. I have too many favourites, so I can’ t list them xD But my best-of-ever favourites are: Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Zelda,  Phoenix Wright, Lucky Dog , Solatorobo, Professor Layton, Maestro! Jump in Music, Rhythm’n paradise, Ghost Trick, Resistance: Fall of Man, Sonic, Drawn to life.

_I really do love read. Some of my fav books are: Fairy Oak, Harry Potter, L change the worLd, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Inkheart’s trilogy, I Regni di Nashira (dunno the English title), Artemis Fowl, Darren Shan, La compagnia dei Celestini (dunno title), Bar Sport, ‘900, Il Sentiero dei Nidi di Ragno, Il Visconte Dimezzato (dunno the titles), Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde’s. And this isn’ t the complete list…

_I’ m totally addicted to the music (I also sleep whit the phoneheads, sometimes xD). I love every kind of music. These are my “more listened” artists: 30 Seconds to Mars, Avril Lavigne, The Cure, Gorillaz, Guns’ n Roses, Ligabue, Linkin Park, Metallica, Motorhead, Muse, Nightwish, Pink, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Kaggra, Kenji Ootsuki, L’ Arc~en~Ciel, Nightmare, Oldcodex, Perfume, Poruno Gurafiti, SID, Yellow Generation, YUI, Vocaloid & Utaite (specially Glutamine/ぐるたみん). I also like some songs of these artists: Nobodyknows+, Junko Takeuchi, Mamoru Miyano, Yusa Kouji, Noriaki Sugiyama, Romi Paku, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Nana Mizuki. (besides Nobodyknows+, they’ re all seyuu LoL). I also play the piano and the oboe.

_Well, I’ m not so good, but… I like so much to write and to draw (ehm…). I started 3 or 4 SasuNaru fanfictions, which I haven’t never finished (but I’ m hoping I’ll be able of finish two of them, at least), and a LD1 fanfictions about IvaGian couple, too. But, more important, I reeally love to translate!

Well, I think this is all about me. Now I can let you go xD See ya!

Silver Lou

17 Risposte to “Su di Me…”

  1. terracannon876 2013/06/25 a 8:49 PM #


    …Sorry, that’s Spanish. Whoops.


    I found your blog 🙂 I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors!

    Out of curiosity (and since I can’t read your About section above), how many years have you studied English? How did you first come across LD1?

    • Silver Lou 2013/06/25 a 9:15 PM #

      Ciao! 😉

      Heh, I’ve been studying English since I was a child… Heh, it’ s been a while! ^^

      I discovered LD1 by a SasuNaru video, on YT, which was a something-like a parody of LD1’s opening. (ahahah xD) I searched a bit and then I found this fantastic game! I also find your translation, so I decided to buy it.
      Thank you so much! 😀

      • terracannon876 2013/06/25 a 9:18 PM #

        Oh, I think I’ve seen that video. It was pretty well-made 🙂

        Don’t know if you mention this elsewhere, but do you have a favorite character (that’s not Gian because EVERYONE LOVES GIAN <- fact) and why? 😀

        ^ I'm being mean because others always ask me this question and I never have a ready answer XD

        • Silver Lou 2013/06/25 a 9:30 PM #

          Ahahah! Yeah, I love almost all the characters… But my favourites (besides Gian xD) are Ivan, Luchino and Bakshi ❤
          Ivan cause is soo funny! He' s smart (when he wants) but he doesn' t look xD
          Luchino cause… is Luchino ❤ He' s arrogant and lovable at the same time *w* (…he reminds me a little Usagi-san of Junjou Romantica xD)
          And Bakshi cause I love his insanity! Ahaha xD

          I'll be more mean than you: who' s your favourite, if you have one?

  2. terracannon876 2013/06/25 a 9:36 PM #

    Can’t reply to previous comment. I’ll reply to you here (you can set the maximum number of comments to a thread in the settings, I think).

    Luchino … not many people like him. I think it’s because he comes off as arrogant in the others’ routes. …OK, so he is arrogant. But he’s still capable of loving so deeply ><

    My favorite? You mean other than Gian? XD Mrrrrrrrrrrrgh.



    If I'm most honest to myself, I don't really have one because for every character I have a balanced "<3" + "omfg I don't even want to meet you irl." Ivan's paranoid, Giulio's self-explanatory, Luchino easily swayed by vices, and Bernardo can be a bit cold-hearted. Gian just brings out the best of them.

    Now, if we're talking ROUTES, I liked Ivan's and Luchino's the best XD Luchino's was especially fun, but Ivan's special because I got his route first. Giulio's … has my respect. Bernardo (I'm really, really sorry, Bernie) … his bored me a bit ._. BUT DON'T LET THAT AFFECT YOUR OPINION OF HIM XD

    Hm. Character-wise… Maybe Ivan, Luchino / Giulio, Bernardo, in that order, with Lucchini and Giulio being about equal.

    • Silver Lou 2013/06/25 a 9:56 PM #

      Uh, changed maximum level of comments, thank you!

      Yeah, every charachters have his positives and negatives sides xD
      … But you’re right, Gian is the best ever! u_u Ahahah xD

      I also love Luchino’ s and Ivan’ s routes more. Cause, huh, the have the best hot scenes! (I’m a pervert ahahah xD) but they are so much funny, too!

      I don’ t know so much Bernardo’ s route, cause there isn’ t any translation, yet (besides your).

      Giulio is too much cute! He can’t be a seme… Not really xD But his bad ending route is so… ç__ç I replayed it the last week and I cried for an hour! xD (thank you Suzuki for your voice!)

      • terracannon876 2013/06/25 a 10:02 PM #

        Each route has its own special “taste,” so to speak.

        Ivan + Gian is “best friends.”
        Giulio + Gian is “sweet lovers,” but with Gian as the “man” of the relationship.
        Luchino + Gian is also “sweet lovers” (the names are entirely by me, btw, not the official ppl XD), but with Gian as the “girl” of the relationship (he acts like a girl with a crush!!!).
        Bernardo + Gian is “mentor” or perhaps “old friends.”

        Bernardo’s route is a lot of drama (like, romance drama / people drama / political drama) and finance and technical stuff. It’s not really action-y. For people who like / are fine with drama, it’s fine =P

        LOL. Despite Giulio’s uke-ness, he is seme because he’s like, a foot taller than Gian. (1/3meter). The bad ending is also my fave. It’s probably my favorite ending (sadly) out of the entire game because it’s very emotional, and because of … yeah. Gian’s voice acting. The good endings are really happy and great, but there’s something really touching about the sad ending…

        • Silver Lou 2013/06/25 a 10:11 PM #

          Yeah, I agree.
          Ahaha, this “titles” fit very well with their own routes! xD

          Uh, I am not a drama lover, but I want to know what Gian and uncle Bernie says in the ending scene! The dialogue seemed to be interesting…

          But… There isn’t any uke who are taller of the seme…? xD

          • terracannon876 2013/06/25 a 10:21 PM #

            It’s height bias! Usually the uke is shorter than the seme. Almost always.

            Yes, Gian is shorter than EVERYONE.


            • Silver Lou 2013/06/25 a 10:31 PM #

              Ahahahah xD W-What the?! LOL!
              Eheheh…*still laughing*

              Uh, I can’ t read the kanji but I’ ve understood the means xD

              • terracannon876 2013/06/25 a 10:42 PM #

                Gian sees infinity man and is like NOO MY BEHIND ITS GONNA DIIIIIIIE!!! as he guards his rear, and Infinity-man is saying “Don’t worry, my parts are still normal-sized.” And everyone sighs in relief XDD

                After Bakshi, that guy is actually a chara that’s going to appear in Bad Egg, so … it’s kind of canon??!

                • Silver Lou 2013/06/25 a 10:51 PM #

                  Ahahah xD
                  “My behind its gonna die!!” xDDDDD
                  No, I’ m the one who’ s gonna die! xD

                  Ah, I already knew the char after Bakshi… I wonder what role he may have in the story.

                  Can’t wait the release, want to play it NOW! xD

  3. adult video games 2013/10/04 a 2:28 PM #

    Nice post. I used to be checking constantly this blog and I am impressed!
    Very helpful info specifically the final part 🙂 I handle such information much.
    I was looking for this certain info for a very lengthy time.
    Thanks and good luck.

    • Silver Lou 2013/10/18 a 9:02 PM #

      Thank you for reading! I’m glad this was helpful 😀 If you’re searchin for an english translation of the game, visit the terracannon876’s blog 🙂

  4. Silver Lou 2013/12/18 a 3:00 PM #

    Ehm, hello!
    I’m sorry but I can’t understand what you wrote in this comment 😮

    • terracannon876 2013/12/19 a 2:09 AM #

      Possibly not my place to comment, but I can’t see a comment here, which probably (maybe?) means the comment is in moderation? So no one has any idea what the original comment is ^^;

      • Silver Lou 2013/12/19 a 1:27 PM #

        I’m sorry, I know that ^^’
        I was answering to a comment, but 5 sec later the commentator sent to me the same message, so I thought it was a spam and deleted it. I wanted to delete my reply too, but I was using my iPod (like now) and I couldn’t do it.
        Anyway, the comment was, “Hi there friends, how is everything, and what you wish for to say about this post in my view its awesome in favor of me”.
        Maybe it’s me, but I can’t really understand the meaning of the sentence…

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